
Hi! This is HanaManaChia (like onomatopoeia) brought to you by me, Hana Mana Chia!

I can vividly remember beading my first daisy chain 30ish years ago at a summer camp in San Francisco where I spent the first 17 years of my life. The vibrant artistic community and racially diverse, multicultural immersion of my early life likely play a huge part in my drive towards color, experimentation and creating new forms while juxtaposing and translating old forms. At 17 I moved to New York City where the chaos and beauty of decay, street art and gallery shows continued to define my aesthetic and creative ethics. There are infinite possibilities available to us.

One of the underlying purposes of why I create what I create is to bring a window from other worlds into this world and translate that window into some of these possibilities and forms. I want my work to encourage people to create without fear of their own originality, to create on the edge, to go beyond what is safe and mediocre. Not just in the creation of things but in the creation of the day, mind sets, visions and concepts. For all those building their craft, keep going! Go down the rabbit hole of a new idea and take it as far as it can go. Experiment and develop your skill and your relationship with your own ideas. Be brave and honest. Try creating something you’ve never seen with your eyes before.

Contact me at hmanachia@gmail.com if you have any questions, want to leave feedback, send your customer pictures or if you just want to say Hi! Because of the nature of my process I cannot guarantee I’ll be available for custom work, however do send any inquiries well in advance (1-2 months) of the date you desire to have a piece in your hands. I look forward to hearing from you!
